Look Here


I’ve been getting up early lately to read posts and drink tea and thats when I stumbled across this post by Paula Acton. It seems I’ve been tagged in a new game…

The idea of the game is to locate the word ‘look’ in whatever manuscript you have lying around, then post a few previous and following paragraphs around it. Afterwards, invite other authors to do the same.

My “look” comes from chapter 15, in my book Fly Away Home.

My heart began to pound as I looked over at the man I once loved, now sitting behind his desk staring at me with utter detest.

“Where were you this weekend Mag?” he asked vehemently.

“We took the kids to Pennsylvania for the weekend,” I answered smugly.

“Why didn’t you ask me first?” Ask him first, who did he think he was? I thought.

“Because you never ask me when you take the kids. You just do what ever you damn well please! So how does it feel when I do the same?”

“Oh, so you were trying to teach me a lesson. Well, that was a big mistake!” he yelled, and pounded his fist on the desk before continuing on. “Don’t you ever take my kids anywhere, ever again, without asking me first! You got that?”

“Only if you promise to do the same. Things are different now and the sooner you except that, the sooner we can all move on. If you don’t, then be prepared to go to court!”

With one panther-like spring he leapt towards me. Frightened, I turned to run but as I fumbled with the doorknob, I felt a quick hard punch hit me right between my shoulder blades. Unprepared for the blow my knees sagged, the door finally opened, and I escaped without looking back.


Here are the writers I’m tagging:


Dayla Moon Author


Hot Pink Underware


Dianne Gray author


Expat Alien


M. Latimer-Ridley


About maggiemyklebust

I grew up on the Jersey Shore and now live in Norway. I have also lived in Houston and the Netherlands. I have written a memoir called Fly Away Home.

Posted on September 17, 2012, in writing and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 23 Comments.

  1. I am not the only one who had to search for a look lol I blame Robin Coyle and her weak words for my difficulty as i had replaced as many looks as possible

  2. What an awesome game! 🙂 Love the para too! 🙂

  3. Good looking game and “Here’s looking at you kid” Maggie!

  4. What a great exchange, game of ‘tag’ so to speak. M, your paragraph is powerful…

  5. That’s cool, and it’s a word we try not to overuse, but it’s in there everywhere!!

    My manuscript I’m currently working on is one big, blank, frightening page. I looked at it and it looked like a white kitty in a snowstorm, like a spoonful of white sugar in a cup of milk, like a cotton puff ball on a dermatologist’s counter top …

  6. Okay – now I guess I’d better get my act into gear 😀

    (Notice I used the word ‘act’ and not that other ‘a’ word?) LOL

  7. And thank you for the tag!,

  8. Fab game, but didn’t read the extract as don’t want to spoil the surprise – your book has arrived with the family in England (thank you,thank you, thank you) but I have left strict instructions for them not to open it. So they are bringing it to Turkey with them along with my raspberry vodka – don’t know which I’m more excited about!

  9. itsallaboutpurple

    for the second time, this was difficult to read but you write beautifully. i have enjoyed every page of the book!!

  10. popping by via bonnie at paperkeeper. gutwrenching paragraph. if this was autobiographical, i am so glad you left, went to norway despite being ‘scared’, allowed new people into your life including a new, caring, adventurous husband. all the best to you with your new book!

  1. Pingback: Look See | Expat Alien

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